Disability Is Natural Books and Media

The power of labels to stigmatize, create self-fulfilling prophecies, and reduce or enhance self-images is awesome.

J. Dan Rothwell

Identity Theft

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Identity theft hasn’t happened to me yet—knock on wood. I hope it hasn’t happened to you. A variety of companies now offer tips and products to help us protect ourselves from thieves who would steal our names, personal information, and more.

But there’s another form of identity theft that’s been occurring since time began; it has affected millions of men, women, and children; and the loss to individuals and our society seems to be immeasurable. It can happen in an instant and last a lifetime, but there are no companies or government agencies to help “victims” regain their identities. In far too many cases, the individual and her family don’t even realize the theft has occurred. And sadly, family members and others close to the person may be unwitting co-conspirators of the crime.

This form of identity theft occurs when a disability label robs an individual of the right to define himself. His identity, along with opportunities, experiences, potential, and hopes and dreams, are stolen. This theft might occur​ . . . Click here to continue.


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