New Ways of Thinking and Revolutionary Common Sense

Disability Is Natural Books and Media

According to the news, 48 states are facing massive financial shortfalls. State legislatures are cutting services and programs across the board to deal with their budget crises. Many states already have waiting lists for services available to people with disabilities and their families; today’s cuts are making an already bad situation worse, and there’s no end in sight.

Under these circumstances, natural supports and generic services to meet the needs of people with disabilities and family members are more important than ever. We don’t have to go without!

What are natural supports and generic services? The abundant supply of supports (from everyday people) and services (from ordinary organizations) that already exist in our communities, and which are used by people who don’t have disabilities.

Consider all the possibilities in your neck of the woods—if you don’t know what’s available, get in the car and drive around, scour the Yellow Pages, and ask others. We often don’t know about the bounty in our communities because we’ve depended on the service system for almost everything, and we’ve never looked to see what’s in our own backyards! Parks and Recreation departments, churches, hobby/interest clubs, service clubs, nonprofit organizations, local businesses, libraries, museums, and other entities are all potential sources of natural support and/or generic services.​ Click here to continue.

Natural Supports and Generic Services:

More Important Than Ever

A government that is big enough to give you all you want is big enough to take it all away. 

Barry Goldwater