Disability Is Natural Books and Media

Everyone has a personal story. Yours might be shared with others, in the form of your résumé, curriculum vitae (CV), “vita,” and/or biography. And when you wrote it, you made yourself look good!

Your personal story probably details your educational and employment histories, along with awards, honors, and/or professional affiliations. And you probably included the extraordinary talents you could bring to your next employer.

You didn’t, however, include your “warts.” You omitted that you’re grumpy until your third cup of coffee, and you detest that “team player” stuff. You left out other negatives, for you know the importance of creating a positive impression. Maybe you even embellished—just a little—to present the best image. We all do it, to one degree or another, don’t we? Your personal story probably wasn’t the one thing that landed you in a job—you had to shine during the interview—but it opened the door to opportunity.

What if children and adults with disabilities had their own positive personal stories to share? Click here to continue.

What should be included in a personal story? The good stuff—just like the good stuff in your story!

Kathie Snow

The Power of the Personal Story


New Ways of Thinking and Revolutionary Common Sense