Disability Is Natural Books and Media

Spiderman, Star Wars, and Disability

Our family loves movies! We saw Spiderman and Star Wars: Attack of the Clones on the first day each was released, standing in long lines with other devotees. When we pause and reflect, many movies offer important themes and lessons that can be relevant to the lives of people with disabilities.

Consider Spiderman, the person. This is a guy who essentially “acquires” differences after being bitten by a spider: his wrists exude filaments that can become webs; his fingertips grow sticky pods; his eyes, feet, and legs work very differently than everyone else’s; and he can assume amazing physical positions. Hmmmm—I don’t know any people with disabilities whose wrists can manufacture spider web material or who grow sticky pods on their fingertips, but I do know many who have eyes, feet, and legs that operate differently and whose bodies can assume amazing positions.

So Spiderman has unique differences and many people with disabilities have unique differences. In general, Spiderman is a valued member of society (criminals don’t like him, though). In general, people with disabilities are not seen as valuable members of society. Spiderman is valued because of what he does (helping others); his differences are irrelevant. 
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Those of us who want to ensure people with disabilities live

Real Lives can interpret The Force

as the power of inclusion.

Kathie Snow


New Ways of Thinking and Revolutionary Common Sense