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Summer Vacation: Time for Fun and Time to Plan!

Once your child is involved in inclusive summer activities, your job is to become friends with the other kids’ parents, the activity leaders, and/or volunteers.

Kathie Snow

Ahhhh, summertime—vacations, swimming, camping, family time, lazy days, and more. Make this your family’s best summer ever, and at the same time, lay the groundwork for a successful school year when September rolls around.

If your child is included in typical, inclusive community activities this summer, not only will she have a wonderful time and make new friends, she’ll also demonstrate that she can be included in “regular” activities. This can be a very important piece of “evidence” at her next IEP meeting! And while your child is having fun, you’ll be creating new friends who can be valuable allies in your efforts to ensure your child is in an inclusive classroom at school!

You may be thinking, “My child can’t participate in ‘normal’ activities—there’s no way all this will work for us.” But your child can be successful in inclusive community activities!​ Click here to continue.